Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Who signed off and said good to go?

By Duane .A Covington
Tuesday 20, 2014

On the cuffs of the Charlotte Bobcats changing back to the Hornets, there has been a raise of eyebrows as to what their logos and uniforms will look like. As I look across the landscape to see what I can take a page from history and try to make a difference in what is up with the eye of fashion and sports uniforms. What can we do to not repeat the great cataclysms of the past few decades? In a top 3 list of choices that have proved to be bad choices and possibly bad choices not yet gone into fruition, we start with the new Tampa Bay Buccaneers uniforms. The idea is mostly made to ‘bring the boys to the yard’. It is yet to be seen as to how they will get reactions when kick off arrives.

The secondly, the whole Adidas fiasco needs to be called out. The Notre Dame, Cincinnati, Louisville, Baylor, Kansas and UCLA needed to have at least a neighborhood selection to make sure they do not waist their money and time like that in the beginning. “Don’t let the uniforms win. Look at them. Look at them. It isn’t until you feel like your senses are so confused and utterly abused, like you microwaved a cucumber and then ate it, that you should feel free to stop the metaphor.” - Posted on March 1, 2013 by SHANBANANA

The last to date has to go to my friends, the Norwegians. I love and have served in the some of my most memorable times in the city of Meymannah with my brothers there. I have to say I know they are some of the funniest people on the planet as well so it came to no surprise and brought a heavy laugh from the bowls of my soul when I saw the Norway Curling team uniforms for this past winter Olympics. “Even their own coach says he would only wear them at ‘a bad-taste party.’” - ADAM WITHNALL  Author Biography   Wednesday 22 January 2014

In any event, the people that have to put these on are brave in competitive spirit, and just down right brave 360° style. With that said, in most cases it would be best to make small changes in some cases and if you go all out for the fences, get more input. Change is hard, but sticking to your guns no matter what can sometimes hurt your thought process for your brand and the public.

Next BLOG will be about the top 3 uniforms that got it right. What are your worst unis?

Charlotte Bobcats/Hornets Logos

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Uniforms

The Adidas Assemble

Norway Curling Uniforms

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Welcome to my new BLOG featuring gab on fashion in the world of sports.

Hello boys and girls,

This is the first of many questions and theories as to how to improve on the designs and also critique the designs of the world to make a better choice in the future. Some choices are good like Manchester United's many schemes. Other are not so great a catch like the Pittsburg Steelers throwbacks. In this forum, I invite all remarks as to what you, the people think about what can be made in this wide world of sports.