Sunday, May 3, 2015

Last of the 4 by 100...

Hello Hero’s and Heroin’s,

We are on the last leg of this extraordinary marathon. What I have really submerged myself into the great world of numbers more then ever before. The ability to try to the future bottom line is a very hard one to cover. What I hope to get out of this class and the last, the balance of what will be the makings of a great organization that will mirror the excellence of a great product with a great opportunity to take care of its supporters.

I have an extensive but lucrative plan that will take an extraordinary push for success and the ability to sell the product as a whole to not only the consumers’ desires, but also the desires of the supporters that will be creating the very items. I have a vision of making a streamline operation that spans from the drawing desk all the way to the rack at the championship show floors of the arenas and stadiums all over the world.

Having a plan worked over by a professional is a must. Even if you are worried about things like stolen ideas or a run in with competition, you have to be ready to fight for your belief. I have a deeper understanding of how to make the design of the plan feel more real with the options of figures with the products to be sold. The timeline must match to the best of your abilities and you have to be able to show that your creations will cover your bills at the end of the day. Creativity all over is key.

These last 4 weeks will be crucial as to how Jammin’ Products Inc. goes forward with the diabolical plans to break into the sportswear party. This will be our chance to give back and create our own version of Tomorrow Land. Good luck class.

Count down in 4...

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